Below are a series of confusion matrices referenced in Macroanalysis: Digital Methods and Literary History. UIUC Press, 2013.
Gender Precision Recall
M 0.801699717 0.771117166
F 0.76203966 0.793510324
Decade Precision Recall
1840 0.283783784 0.368421
1830 0.314285714 0.511628
1790 0.603305785 0.730000
1780 0.916666667 0.161765
1860 0.705882353 0.507042
1850 0.58 0.341176
1810 0.534591195 0.607143
1800 0.390625 0.384615
1820 0.315789474 0.535714
1870 1 0.476190
Genre Precision Recall
Historical 0.657303371 0.769736842
Newgate 0.659574468 0.462686567
Jacobin 0.65625 0.583333333
Gothic 0.6 0.504950495
Silver-Fork 0.317460317 0.571428571
Sensation 0.882352941 0.75
Bildungsroman 0.676923077 0.745762712
Industrial 0.690909091 0.5
Evanagelical 0.769230769 0.740740741
National 0.481481481 0.928571429
Anti-Jacobin 0.828571429 0.591836735
Author Precision Recall
Ainsworth 0.958333333 0.958333333
Bage 1 0.777777778
Beckford 1 0.8
Blessington 1 0.909090909
Braddon 0.8 1
Bronte 0.826086957 1
Brunton 0.875 1
Collins 1 1
Craik 1 1
Dacre 1 0.5
Dickens 0.92 0.884615385
Disraeli 0.863636364 0.904761905
Edgeworth 0.72 1
Eliot 1 1
Ferrier 1 0.625
Galt 0.823529412 0.933333333
Gaskell 1 0.944444444
Godwin 0.928571429 0.684210526
Gore 1 0.9375
Hays 1 1
Holcroft 1 0.85
Inchbald 0.666666667 1
James 1 0.777777778
Kingsley 1 0.857142857
Lamb 0.8125 1
Lewis 1 1
Lister 1 1
Lytton 0.8 0.888888889
Marryat 1 1
Maturin 0.857142857 0.6
Meredith 0.857142857 1
Moore 1 0.875
More 0.9 0.9
Morgan 0.958333333 0.821428571
Opie 1 0.777777778
Porter 1 0.833333333
Radcliffe 0.956521739 0.956521739
Scott 0.923076923 0.96969697
Shelley 0.702702703 0.928571429
Smith 1 0.954545455
Taylor 1 0.777777778
Thackeray 0 0
Thomas 1 0.857142857
Trollope 1 1
West 0.777777778 1
Wollstonecraft 0.857142857 1
Wood 1 0.818181818
Title Precision Recall
Ada Reis 0.857142857 0.857142857
Adeline Mowbray Or The Mother And Daughter 1 1
Adolphus de Biron A novel 1 1
A Legend of Montrose 0.5 0.75
Alton Locke Tailor and Poet 1 0.857142857
A marriage in high life 1 0.833333333
Annals Of The Parish 1 0.727272727
Anna St Ives A Novel 0.857142857 0.857142857
Armadale 1 0.727272727
A Sicilian Romance 1 0.6
A Simple Story 0.8 1
Castle Rackrent An Hibernian Tale 0.571428571 1
Castles in the air 1 1
Coelebs in Search of a Wife 1 1
Confessions Of A Thug 1 1
Coningsby or The new generation 1 0.8
Daniel Deronda 1 0.583333333
Discipline a novel 1 0.888888889
East Lynne 1 0.818181818
Emmeline the Orphan of the Castle 1 0.8
Ennui or Memoirs of the Earl of Glenthorn 1 0.75
Eugene Aram 1 0.888888889
Felix Holt The Radical 0.5 1
Florence Macarthy an Irish tale 0.9 0.75
Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus 1 1
Glenarvon 0.888888889 1
Granby a novel 0.833333333 1
Great Expectations 1 0.8
Guy Mannering Or The Astrologer 0 0
Hard Times 0.666666667 0.8
Hermsprong or Man As He Is Not 1 1
Ivanhoe 0.625 0.555555556
Jack Sheppard A Romance 1 0.7
Jane Eyre An Autobiography 1 0.8
Kenilworth 0.888888889 0.615384615
Lady Audley’s Secret 1 1
Lucretia or The children of night 0.5 1
Marchmont 1 1
Marriage 0.8 1
Mary Barton A Tale of Manchester Life 0.4 0.666666667
Melmoth the wanderer 0.714285714 1
Memoirs of Emma Courtney 0.875 1
Middlemarch A Study of Provincial Life 0 NaN
Mordaunt 1 1
Mrs. Armytage or Female Domination 1 1
Nature and Art 0.285714286 1
North And South 1 0.538461538
O’Donnel a national tale 0.777777778 0.875
Old Mortality 0.444444444 0.666666667
Olive 1 1
Oliver Twist or The Parish Boys Progress 1 0.857142857
Ormond A Tale 1 1
Paul Clifford 1 0.888888889
Pelham Or The Adventures Of A Gentleman 0.75 1
Quentin Durward 0.857142857 0.25
Red Gauntlet 0 NaN
Richelieu a tale of France 1 1
Rob Roy 0.625 0.5
Rookwood a romance 1 1
Ruth 0.2 0.5
Saint James 0.666666667 0.8
Self Control 1 0.888888889
Shirley 0.5 0.6
St. Irvyne or The Rosicrucian 0.875 1
St. Leon A Tale of the Sixteenth Century 0.75 0.857142857
St. Ronan’s Well 0.571428571 0.571428571
Sybil or The Two Nations 0.857142857 1
Thaddeus of Warsaw 0.833333333 1
The Absentee 1 1
The Adventures of Hugh Trevor 1 0.909090909
The Antiquary 1 0.4375
The Black Dwarf 0 0
The Bride of Lammermoor 0.25 1
The children of the new forest 1 1
The confessions of an elderly gentleman 1 1
The Entail or The Lairds Of Grippy 0.5 1
The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck A Romance 0.857142857 0.666666667
The Heart of Mid Lothian 0.5 1
The History of Pendennis 0.5 1
The infidel father 0.666666667 1
The Italian 1 0.75
The last days of Pompeii 0.75 0.75
The Life and Adventures of Michael Armstrong 1 1
The Monk A Romance 0.857142857 1
The Moonstone A Romance 1 1
The Mysteries of Udolpho A Romance 1 1
The Old Manor House 1 0.875
The Ordeal of Richard Feverel 1 1
The Personal History of David Copperfield 0.6 1
The Professor A Tale 1 0.625
The Provost 0.4 1
The Romance of the Forest 0.5 1
The Scottish Chiefs 1 0.8
The Victim of Prejudice 1 0.875
The Wild Irish Girl A National Tale 0.8 0.666666667
The Woman in White 0.4 1
The Wrongs of Woman Or Maria A Fragment 0.857142857 0.75
The Adventures of Caleb Williams 0.666666667 0.8
Valperga 0.625 1
Vathek 1 0.666666667
Villette 0.25 1
Vivian Grey 0.857142857 1
Waverley 0.428571429 0.5
Windsor castle an historical romance 0.5 0.75
Zastrozzi A Romance 1 1
Zofloya or The Moor 1 0.875