January 7 – 11, 2013: Large Scale text Analysis with R.
University of Maryland Digital Humanities Winter Institute.
The Day(s) in Code
Some Reflections on the course content. . .
- @parezcoydigo Snuck out at lunch today, but had a tremendous week at #dhwi. Thanks @mljockers for an excellent/provocative trip through text analysis in R
- @nmhouston Grateful to @mljockers for a superb #dhwi workshop
- @lmrhody “@mljockers blows the R class’s mind with Euclidean algebra #dhwi http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BAMGCAfCQAAvxX9.jpg#twimg“
- @lmrhody “ow.ly/i/1moCg What did our #DHWI R class do? We wrote an insane amount of code. Thank you @mljockers !”
- @laduedrops thank you @mljockers and @dhwi_mith for so much R, patience, and knowledge.
- “LaDue, Emily liteRatuRe. theoRy. macRo. gRaph. (aRt?) Ready. stat.

A little Euclidean distance. . . photo from @lmrhody